The future of the environment explained to children

Sustainable development and, therefore, respect and care for the environment. Can all this be explained to a child? Certainly. Indeed, it is necessary to do so because it is precisely to children, to the new generations, that the responsibility for the future of our Planet is handed over. In 2015, Venice Green Week also focuses on the youngest and offers a program of targeted activities with the aim of educating and guiding children in the knowledge and true understanding of sustainability.
It will be “The Some” of Treviso, a group that created the cartoon “The Puppies,” which has always been sensitive to environmental issues, that will run the events for children and young people. Two events are scheduled: on Feb. 20, the hall of Confindustria Belluno (via S. Lucano, 15) will host pupils from some schools. Entertainers will welcome the children by dividing the work into two ninety-minute meetings (at 8:45 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.) during which they will explain what the ecological footprint is, i.e., the amount of space on the planet needed by each individual to meet his or her needs. The meeting is part of “Colors, Paper & Cartoons,” a new educational project to raise awareness of environmental issues, aimed at primary and secondary schools in the Veneto region, which includes the creation of short cartoons precisely on the theme of the ecological footprint (created in collaboration with Unesco Venice Office and Sgambaro, a cutting-edge pasta factory characterized by a light ecological footprint and therefore an effective contribution to environmental protection). Here then, after the explanation, “The Some ” will be on hand to show the children how to work on the blank storyboard to be filled with drawings. “This is another step forward in our project whose theme is sustainable development,” explained Sergio Manfio, president of The Some Group. Once again it is the kids who are the actors in this idea: the kids who become the engine for the involvement of us adults. Only from a more cooperative way of understanding the relationship between generations can a real change in our way of understanding future development begin.” In addition to the workshop, “The Some” have planned to offer the children a play. The date is Saturday, Feb. 21, at 8:30 p.m., at the auditorium in Trebaseleghe (Padua), free admission. On stage will be actress Laura Fintina. With the show “Idea and the Legend of Water,” she will be the one to address, in an entertaining way, an important and topical issue, that of the defense of water heritage, starting with a reflection on the conscious use of water, to avoid waste. The plot is simple, but very compelling: “In a country that is unknown, but could be anywhere, a greedy and unscrupulous king decides to sell Maga Cornacchia the spring that provides water to the whole kingdom. And the sorceress can thus resell the water at a high price, ending up thirsting her people. The dog Rodomonte asks Idea, Sock and Blublù for help: our heroes, with the help of a good wizard, try to recreate the rain potion to bring a second lake to life. Making the potion, however, requires ingredients that are difficult to retrieve, and our friends, despite themselves, will be involved in increasingly exciting adventures.” Guaranteed fun for children and families, but also a way to stimulate them to reflect on issues fundamental to the survival of planet earth. The objective of “Green Week of the Venices” is to involve and raise awareness among children as well. Info:

Il Corriere del Veneto, Feb. 16, 2015 – by Francesca Boccaletto


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